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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (A-)

We are on Stranger Tides for sure! This go around there are a few new faces and sadly a few faces we all would liked to have seen that are not in this installment. There is no Elizabeth Swan or Will Turner but the show must go on! Of course Johnny Depp reprises the role of Jack Sparrow, excuse me… Captain Jack Sparrow! And Geoffrey Rush is back as a newly invented Captain Barbossa. He is on board with the Royal Navy and leading the hunt for the Fountain of Youth. It's a race against time because the Spanish are also looking for the fountain as well as the infamous Blackbeard! (Played by Ian Mcshane) This twisted pirate tale has some really cool action sequences and explosions! Another new face is Angelica, (played by Penelope Cruz) she is one of Jack's many former flames and as is revealed she was one of the biggest. It's clear that she still has some pull over him because Sparrow shows some heart toward her. There are also mermaids in this film, however they aren't like the ones in Peter Pan, these mermaids are vicious man eaters, so beware! And what would any pirate movie be without revenge? That's right, it's packed with that as well! This film is a bit different from those previous, but we also have a new cast so it has to be. But I think they have all done a great job and have made this movie worth watching!
 Overall I give it an (A-) and that's because we lost Elizabeth and Will. 

Oh and don't worry, once a pirate, always a pirate... Barbossa won't be with the navy forever! 

There is also an easter egg film snippet at the very end of the credits, so stick around!



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