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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blue Streak (B)

Blue Streak
Short Version: First I remembered Blue Streak being a better movie then it is.  So I am giving this movie a B because it is not a bad movie, but it is not the funniest cop type movie I have ever seen.  The Bad Boy series of movies is better in my opinion when it comes to Martin Lawrence’s work.

Long Version: The movie starts out with a diamond theft that goes bad when one of the thieves double crosses the others.  In this mess we meet the main character in the movie Miles Logan which is played by Martin Lawrence.  Miles Logan manages to ditch the diamond in a building that is under construction before being arrested and heading to jail.  Fast forward and Miles is getting out of jail and plains to retrieve his diamond that he hid.  There is just one problem with that and it sets up the rest of the movie.  The building that was under construction was a new police station.  Through some crazy events Miles ends up impersonating a detective in order to try and get the diamond back.

In order to not ruin the movie for those that have not seen it I well stop there.  I will continue to talk about a few other things that make this movie worth watching.  Dave Chappelle plays Tully the driver from the robbery at the beginning of the movie. Dave probably has the funniest part in the whole movie with typical Chappelle humor.  Martin Lawrence also has his moments were you may laugh but he has had much better films.  Ultimately for what it is I would recommend it to a friend.

If you are interested in purchasing the movie you can click the picture below.  Another option to see the movie is to use Netflix which is what I did.

Blue Streak


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