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Ok the "About Us" page is gone and now Alex and I have our own pages to update and keep whatever we want to put up about ourselves.

Hi my name is Adam and I am an old man of age 25, yes 25 is old.  Sarcasm is my friend and I us him often so be prepared.  I am new to the blogging scene and new to putting myself out on the internet to be poked at (facebook poking does not count).  Mainly I like movies, all kinds of movies and that is going to be the main focus of this blog.  With the help of one of my best friends of all time Alex.  We are going to help you in picking some of the best movies of all time.

Ok so the first thing extra I want to do is post a couple of drawings I have done and then below them I will post a link to my deviantArt page.


Adam's deviantART page