To make this short.. It’s happened again! This movie has the original characters as well as a few new ones. It has it’s moments but it’s not anywhere as good as the first one. I’d say go watch it if you are the kind of person that needs to complete a series. Otherwise you aren’t really missing anything. Just imagine the first movie taking place in Thailand and you've got it.
**Partents- There is way more fowl language than there is anything nice! There are also a few nude scenes!**
Okay, like I said above, this movie does have several funny parts to it. But it isn’t really anything different than the first one. We open with Phil calling Doug’s wife Tracy telling her that they have screwed up big, Again. They also say a few different times that “It happened again.” They could have said it once and it would be funny, but no they over used it in an attempt to connect it to the original. Exactly like before, the guys are on the quest of finding someone. This time it is Stu’s future brother-in-law Teddy. They travel through the streets of Bangkok trying to find Teddy, and learn of their night in the process. Somewhere along the way, Teddy loses a finger, Stu gets a tattoo and Alan shaves his head. The guys also encounter a drug dealing monkey and of course, Alan loves it and wants to keep it. To give a quote and not give too much away, “when a monkey nibbles on a penis, its funny in any language!” Learning through Doug, the guys are told that Teddy is in prison. When they go to pick him up, Teddy isn’t there but a Buddhist monk is instead. They are then stuck with him and continue their hunt. Upon arrival at the monastery the guys are punished and Alan has a moment of meditation. They also have an encounter with Mr. Chow and Paul Giamatti. Nearing the end of this adventure, the guys learn that they were accidentally drugged... By Alan. Alan was trying to drug Teddy because he didn’t like that he was intruding into the Wolf Pack! When just short of giving up, Stu has an epiphany and knows where Teddy is.
Overall, it’s funny, it’s crude and it’s just an average party movie. In my opinion Animal House is a better movie to watch.
but you will probably do some laughing and maybe think about vomiting as well!