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Friday, June 3, 2011

S1m0ne (Simone) (B+)

Short version: A producer's film is in danger when it's star actress walks off set. In a stroke of fate, a man with an inoperable eye tumor gives Victor (Al Pacino) a computer code to digitally create an actress. He saves his film and career. When trouble ensues Victor must find a way out. *This film has some mild language*

Long version: Movie producer, Victor Taransky played by Al Pacino, is in danger of losing his "big" movie and his job. His leading actress walks off set in a rage over the size of her trailer. Actors these days.. so picky! When packing his things from the studio a man approaches him (Hank) with a computer code and an idea. Create an actress that can be controlled and wouldn't cost a thing or have an attitude! What more could a producer ask for? Dismissing the man as a lunatic, Victor leaves paying the man no attention. The next day an attorney arrives at Taransky's front door with a package that Hank left for him as his dying wish. (Yes the man dies, sorry but without it there could be no story.) 

Victor quickly begins to weald the power of the computer in the creation of Simulation One, aka Simone. She becomes an overnight sensation and is shelling out movie after movie. Everyone begins to speculate though when no one has seen Simone in person. Victor finds ways around public appearances as long as he can. Soon though he makes a vital mistake that could cost him his career, instead it sends him over the edge. He carries on conversations with Simone as if she were real and could talk back. At times it seems a bit sadistic. After visiting Hank's grave he has the idea that the only way to make things go away is to "kill" Simone. This would be all well and perfect because she is a computer program right? Not to the rest of the world she isn't! He goes through with his plan and is later arrested for murder. Once in prison he is set free by one appearance from the person that he "killed." I'll spare you the details and suggest that you watch it to find out what happens.

I found that this was sort of a normal role for Pacino. He starts out much like many of his other roles, normal at first but then kind of ends up crazy. I thought that he did a very good job acting in this film. He was not only the lead, but in a supporting role to Simone as well. I'm rating it a B+ for his acting as well as the fact that the story line seemed to be original to it's time. The film was released in 2002 and now days it's hard to find a movie that hasn't been remade 10 different ways. It's a good movie and isn't an A because there are just so many movies out there that are so freaking good! I didn't want to feel like I was cheating those movies by making this one an A. None the less, you should watch it and leave a comment on what you thought about the movie or how well I did reviewing it.

You can click the picture below to purchase this movie on Amazon or you can simply watch it on Netflix like I did.



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