Short Version: If you like movies set in a more medieval time then you will probably like this movie but it will not blow you away.
Long Version: During the first outbreak of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) in England is the setup for this movie. So we are back in the time where the Catholic Church rules supreme as far as religion goes and knights are still alive. The story line is little common but has a twist that is original or at least it is original to me. We start out by following this young monk named Osmund that is played by Eddie Redmayne (he does a pretty good job). Now Osmund lives in a monastery in a city that is pretty small that is being overrun by the plague. We learn quickly that Osmund is not a perfect monk more on this later. Then we have a couple nights ride up to the city and this is where we meet Ulrich played by Sean Bean (Boromir in “The Lord of the Rings” movies) who is a knight that has been sent by the bishop to find out if the rumors are true about a city that has not been infected by the plague. To speed things up they find this city with the help of their guide Osmund the monk and this city has something to hide. If I tell what they have to hide it would ruin the end of the movie so you will just have to watch the movie to figure out the twist.
The main reason I watched this movie is because it had Sean Bean in it and he is normally a good actor. In this movie it was no exception he played his part well. The problem with this movie is that the story line was not the best and the rest of the actors did not always hold up there parts. This movie even with the twist ending did not wow me. I gave it a B because the wow factor was not there.
As always you can click the picture below to buy the movie from Amazon or you can use Netflix which is how I say the movie. Netflix banner is top right of this page.
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