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Thursday, June 2, 2011

From Paris with Love (A)

Short Version:  If you like action movies that are fast-paced and a little crazy than this movie is for you.  John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers play their characters amazingly well.

Long Version:  The movie starts off with James Reece who is played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers an employee working in the office of the U.S. Ambassador of France in Paris.  Now James has wanted to move up with his career and do some special ops types stuff so they test him.  He passes the test and is given the job of driving around a special agent named Charlie Wax (John Travolta) who is coming into Paris to do a job.  Charlie Wax is a bit of an unconventional agent and likes to do things his own way which at that point the movie gets interesting and the roller coaster begins.  There first stop is a restaurant where the second floor is full of crack cocaine.  Do not worry they make sure to fill about a foot and half tall vase of it for the road.  I found it hilarious all the places that they went carrying a vase full of coke for example the Eiffel Tower.  The vase of crack did find a purpose in the end along with most of the crazy things Charlie Wax did.  All of this mayhem is to lead up to them stopping a terrorist attack from occurring in the city of Paris.  There is a twist ending that I will not give away and the only thing I will say about it is that if you like action movies then this is a movie you need to watch.

Once again you can click the picture below to purchase the movie from Amazon or you can simply use Netflix in order to see the movie.  For that matter you can view it however you want just do it legally.

From Paris with Love


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