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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daybreakers (A)

Short version: The movie is a solid “A” and you should see it if you have the chance.

Long version: First off it is not your typical vampire movie.  So the setup for the movie is the year 2019 and a “plague” has turned the majority of mankind into vampires.  The human race is about extinct due to the vampires farming all the humans for their blood (you know that stuff vampires drink).  This is all upside down because I thought humans hunted vampires or maybe I have just seen Blade to many times. Anyways in comes Edward Dalton played by Ethan Hawke who is a Hematologist that has been given the job to create an artificial blood substitute to prolong the survival of the vampire race (Edward is also a vampire).  Through some twists and turns Edward comes to meet Lionel “Elvis” Cormac played by Willem Dafoe (whose voice makes me think “Green Goblin”) who has the “cure” Edward has been looking for.  See Lionel was turned into a vampire but through an accident found a way to change back to being human.  In the end the humans come out on top but I don’t want to give away the ending.

What makes this movie “A” worthy is that the acting is great everyone plays there part and Ethan Hawke plays his character very well.  You can feel the emotion/pain that he goes through during the movie it makes you feel for his character throughout the entire film.  The film was shot really well and the special effects where not to over the top like in some movies.

One last note there is one scene with nudity so it might not be a suitable movie for all audiences. 

If you are looking for a way to watch the movie you can click the picture below to purchase from Amazon or you can watch on Netflix which is what we do.




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